
Resultaten eerste Datacenter Pulse bijeenkomst

Op de Datacenter Pulse community website zijn de resultaten van de eerste bijeenkomst gepubliceerd.

On February 17th, 2009 Data Center Pulse held its first global summit in Santa Clara California, just five short months after starting this new end user datacenter community. The membership, 700 strong, identified seven of the top areas they wanted to address at this summit. The final topics and participants were finalized on the day of the event.

Each track was lead by group members. Even in these difficult economic times more than 15% of the membership base participated in person and online, some members traveling from as far away as Chile to participate in this inaugural event.

The goal of the summit was to discuss the topic areas and present the findings to the data center industry, just 36 hours later. We wanted to provide rapid reporting on what we found so the vendors, consultants and other providers can absorb and ultimately work with us to provide the solutions to the challenges we’re facing.

Na de bijeenkomst op 17feb werden de resultaten door gestuurd naar leden in Nederland en India voor review en feedback. De dag er na werden de resultaten met de datacenter industrie gedeeld en besproken.

De resultaten per onderwerp:

Meer over de bijeenkomst en Top 10 wensen:

Op searchdatacenter.com.

Op DatacenterKnowledge.com.

Feedback ?: feedback@datacenterpulse.com of jan.wiersma@datacenterpulse.com


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